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A-Tono at the “Salone dei pagamenti”: simplicity is the trend to follow.


The "Salone dei pagamenti" was a great success for A-Tono, providing a unique opportunity to launch its Combined Payment Solutions and position itself as an ecosystem that integrates Technology, Payment, and Digital Marketing, offering new business opportunities.



A-Tono's objective and mantra? "To make payment processes as simple as possible to enhance the user experience in everyday life," says Orazio Granato. Technology should act as a facilitator in this regard. Therefore, the technology offered by A-Tono aims to simplify payment, both in terms of issuance through DropPay cards and acceptance through open DropPOS terminals.

According to the CEO of A-Tono, payment is a commodity—a transfer between two parties that should occur in the simplest possible manner.

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