/ Payment services / Developers and ISVs
API Gateway
Fully compliant with PSD2 and with full control over the value chain, A-Tono enables accessibility to its services for all PISPs and AISPs for the use of APIs within their services. From reading balances to sending transfers, from paying bills to PagoPA and F24 notices.
A-Tono's API services are perfectly integrable with any software solution on any terminal. They are aimed at helping to improve the Customer Experience thanks to integrated banking services and extending it to include the payment phase.
With our consultancy, it is possible to reach and create new business models through Open Payment and Banking solutions.

DropPay for Developers
DropPay for
In line with Open Banking paradigms, we facilitate the entry of new players into the market. We enable integration and aggregation of banking data to the services already offered by Developers and ISVs, creating value on payments, and we provide APIs to allow third-party developers to integrate with our payment systems.
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